Since last week Indy has been selecting a different Fall/Halloween-inspired movie from his collection of over 600 DVDs (someone has a problem!) for us to watch for each night of October. I realize for most normal people that watching a full movie every night of the week sounds ridiculous, but welcome to my life. (We've already watched: Bedknobs and Broomsticks, The Dead Poet's Society, The Shining, and Room 237- a documentary on The Shining).
We've already made plans for apple/pumpkin picking. I can't really complain about this one, though, because we recently started a tradition where Indy's little cousins (twin 5 year olds and an 8 year old) fly up from West Palm Beach, Florida to get a small taste of fall with us. I can't wait to get photos of them in the orchards!
Indy has excitedly linked me to the Fall Foliage Network's website at least 5 times. Yea, that's a real thing. Check it out.
Are you starting to understand? The man is obsessed. And while I should be thankful that he isn't a gambler, a golf fanatic, or even a motorhead, I must admit, his love for all things fall does wear on me.
So when I saw this "movie trailer", I nearly died:
In the first four days of October, he's already made/made me eat: pumpkin spiced pancakes, pumpkin soup, apple cider, pumpkin and chocolate Hershey kisses, and Trader Joe's pumpkin spiced latte mix.
We still have 27 days to go, people! At this rate, I'm going to die of pumpkin poisoning. Is that a thing? If you're a nurse or a doctor and know that it is in fact a thing, please give me a head's up. At least, if I don't survive through Hallween, you all will know why.
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