Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I'm Just Like Madeline!

My second grade teacher, Mrs. Santos, loved reading the Madeline books to us.  She had a ton of Madeline dolls and I remember when it was my turn to play with them, the first thing I did was lift up her dress to see her appendix scar.  I remember thinking, "That's so cool!"


Two days after having an emergency appendectomy, I can tell you, it's not really all that cool.  In fact, it's much more painful and gross than I dreamed it would be when I was 7 years old.

On Saturday night we had Indy's family over to celebrate his father's birthday.  We had a big 'ol traditional Greek dinner with lamb, orzo and tzatziki.  I made my first birthday cake, ever, and we had a wonderful night!  After they'd gone and we'd cleaned up for the night, around 11:30ish, upon getting into bed, I started to feel a dull twinge in my lower, right pelvic area.  I passed it off for some gas from my big Greek dinner.  But as the night went on, I was tossing and turning, and the pain got a little sharper and more regular.

In the morning, I was sore, and after all I've been through with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, I'd convinced myself that the pain I felt the night before wasn't gas, but instead a burst ovarian cyst.  The pain was different from the last two burst cysts I've had- usually it's a very sharp, intense pain for about 20 minutes, followed by a throbbing soreness for most of the next day.  But still, I was pretty confident in my self-diagnosis- especially since all of the internet stuff I was looking up seemed to confirm my suspicion.

I spent most of Sunday relaxing, getting some light house work done, but by 5 in the evening I was getting really concerned.  The pain was back, and more consistent, and after some convincing, Indy got me to agree to go to the local ER to double-check and be sure.

I had never been to any ER before, and was kind of embarrassed to go with a little bit of pelivc pain, but it wasn't so bad.  There were only a few people there, and in about an hour I was checked in, had a bed, and was talking with a nice young doctor.  Based on the description of the pain, my symptoms and my history, agreed that I'd probably had an ovarian cyst burst.  He would've given me an ultrasound that night, but of course, the ultrasound people weren't around.  He mentioned a CT scan, but didn't want to make me go through the whole radiation thing if he didn't have to. He discharged me with some extra strength Motrin, and told me I should follow up with my regular gyno a.s.a.p.  We were home in time for the series finale of Breaking Bad. (Perfection, by the way- pure perfection.)

However, early Monday morning, around 2am I snapped awake with crazy, intense pain.  It was too strong to ignore, and once Indy realized how bad it was, he was dressed in two seconds, again, coercing me to go back to the ER.  I got dressed and made it out to the car and started doubting it.  "Maybe it's just gas- it's probably just the cyst..." but Indy wouldn't take no for an answer- and thank goodness he didn't.  Every bump in the road zapped my pelvis like nothing I'd ever felt before, and luckily, just like the first time, the ER was empty.  I was booked and in a bed immediately.  I drank a jar and a half of that nasty luke-warm berry smoothie so they could do a CT scan, and 10 minutes later we had our answer: Appendicitis.

The doctors were all surprised, because I didn't have any symptoms (fever, loss of appetite, nausea) other than physical pain.  They booked me and around 1pm that afternoon put me under and took it out!  And not a moment too soon, either, because apparently when they took it out, it literally fell apart!  The doctor told Indy an my older sister in the waiting room that they literally had to "suck out" all the bad stuff that got lose when it fell apart, and because of that, I had to be really diligent about checking my temperature and reporting any flu-like symptoms.

I spent the night in the hospital, and it was a little rough.  Indy was a trooper and slept by my side all night, missing there classes in the process.  He's been the best nurse anyone could ask for- comforting me, feeding me soup, but also playing Nurse Ratched when he had to (like when I was refusing to eat or drink, because I was feeling sick.) 

The first night home (last night) was a rough one, too.  I didn't sleep much at all- had a lot of gas from when they pumped my belly full of air for the laparoscopic surgery, which was super uncomfortable.  I raced to the toilet a few times because of overwhelming nausea, but never actually puked (which I'm so happy about, because even the tiniest giggle makes my already sore stomach jolt with pain.)  But a hot shower at 3am followed by some more TLC from Indy made this morning much better.  I've been eating and drinking an napping the pain away and I feel like a totally different person.

I'll be out of work for this entire week, and most if not all of next.  My kids have been sending me messages via my co-workers, that they miss me and want me to feel better, which always makes me smile.  I can't wait to get back there and see them all, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't need this time to rest up!


  1. Oh, you poor thing! Rest, relax, and watch trashy TV, and let yourself be pampered, since it's out of your control. The kudos will survive and will be very appreciative of you when you return.

    So scary - it's so easy to misdiagnose stuff, and the internet rarely actually helps, I think. Anyhow, here's to a speedy healing! I sending you some imaginary chicken soup (as we call it, Jewish penicillin).

    1. Phyl, you're so right- the internet rarely helps. Everything on there ends up diagnosing cancer, so that certainly doesn't help when you're already upset and panicked about what could be going on! I'm taking your advice and watching trashy t.v. until I just can't take it anymore, and thanks for the Jewish penicillin!! It's helping! =0)
