Monday, September 23, 2013


It aired a few weeks ago, but CBS had a two-hour special, which followed four teachers from all over the U.S. and documented their trials and triumphs over a year.  It focused on how teachers adapted to their students needs, how students adapted to new technology/classroom procedures, and the ending results of everyone's hard work.

It was one of the best teacher-related documentaries I've seen- so real and inspiring.

If you haven't seen it, watch this promo:

Everyone has at least one teacher they can remember as a person who most inspired, pushed, or motivated them to be not only a better student, but a better person.  A person who strives for excellence, and doesn't give up when it gets hard.  

At the end of TEACH, a stuent is asked, "What is a teacher?" 

She responds, "Someone who inspires you to do something better with your life."

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