Thursday, September 5, 2013

Places for Edgy Inspiration

Like all other dedicated teachers, a good amount of my summer vacation was spent researching ways to update my lessons- or in come cases, make entirely new ones! This is my 5th year teaching, and it's time to update my bag of tricks, for sure.

Of course I used Pinterest a ton, which lead me to one of my most exciting internet finds to date:


The Jealous Curator is one of those sites you can peruse for days.  I can so closely identify with her sub-header, "...artwork that inspires & depresses me...." it's scary.  I think every single time I've gone to a gallery, museum or even just a craft show, I've had that feeling about at least one piece.  That feeling where you see something and it's so good you actually get angry.

This website offers page after page of gorgeous, wacky and breathtaking works of art.  Some of it is a bit too edgy for my high school tykes, but with the right amount of pruning, I think this will be a go-to site for when my lessons need an extra zap of tangy inspiration.  And for myself? I'm all over all of it.

My discovery of The Jealous Curator actually lead to my rediscovery of another fantastic art-based website:


(Sorry, Phyl!)

I'm not quite sure how, but years ago I found myself on Who Killed Bambi? and I was done.  I spent days browsing through the art, music and fashion featured on their site and found myself longing to be cool enough to be just an acquaintance of the three women who founded it.  Much like The Jealous Curator, I found myself drooling over fantastical works of fine and wearable art- much of which was just a bit too risque for my kids, but inspired the hell out of me.


I fell deeper into the rabbit hole (different movie, but still Disney!) when I discovered YNot?, the blog run by 1/3 of Who Killed Bambi?, Ms. Marcia Zottino. I find the work she posts to be a bit more classroom-friendly, although, there's still a heavy amount of sorting that needs to be done before hand.  Her "Photography" tab, in particular, has been very inspirational for me as I'll be teaching Photography 2 this coming school year.  Photo 2 focuses much more on photography as an art form, conceptual works, and unique ideas as opposed to Photo 1 and I am so ready for the challenge.


  1. Haha I just found your blog and this reference to me! Can you believe it, I actually have Bambi next up to watch from Netflix? Crazy...

    1. I'm glad you found me! And despite the blog's violent name, it's actually quite cool. But I would watch Bambi before visiting the site, haha.
